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The History of Ferguson High school   

  • Year of found :- 17th March 1917 (Baptist Church)
  • First principal:- Madam J.D. Redley
  • Established by :- Baptist Missionary Association
  • First name of the school :- Baptist Missionary English School
  • First teacher of the school :- Mrs. Elesabath Maldeniya
  • First student of the school :- miss Ogasta Perera
  • The school was started on 10th of March 1917 at the Ethirinton house on the hill top. (Present location)
  • The school was registered under the state legislature in 1920.
  • In 1922 Miss E.A.Olsop was the principal and it was the golden era of the school.
  • In 1928 the school was named as Ferguson High School in memorial of father John Ferguson.father John Ferguson was a brother of Hon. A.M.I. who started the first English newspaper and dedicated his life to encourage the company of Baptist Missionary.
  • In 1924 the school hostel was started in the building where the Nilani Hotel is situated at present.
  • In 1924 the Missionary House (Olsope House) was established and it was converted to the principal office and the quarters.
  • In 1925 Girl Guide Association was pioneered by Miss.C. Balasooriya.
  • In 1932 the system of school houses was introduced by the acting principal miss. W.F.Gage.
  • In 1933 the Old Girls Association was initiated by Madam Olsop.
  • In 1940 madam Brook was appointed to the school and 1944 she was appointed as the principal of the school.
  • In 1951 Mrs. J.E. Stembu who was in charge of primary section started teaching in Sinhala and Tamil medium.
  • In 1952 the in-charge of Art Miss Nalani Gunasekara created the school emblem.
  • In 1957 the school celebrated its 40th birthday
  • In 1958 school prize giving was held by the Chief guest Madam Sirimavo Bandaranayaka who was a former student of the school.
  • On 1st December 1960 the school was established as a government school.
  • In 1960 Madam Perl Perera was appointed as the first Sri Lankan Madam principal.
  • In 1960 two students (Miss Suvineetha & Miss M.D.Karunawathi) were selected to the University of Peradeniya.
  • In 1963 the school was acquired to the government.
  • In 1967 she celebrated her silver Jubilee under the patronage of Hon. Governer Mr. William Gopallawa who was the first president Of Sri Lanka.
  • In 1972 Mrs. Malani Wijenayaka was appointed as the principal and started the science section.
  • In 1974 Mrs. M. Thambaiyah was appointed as the principal.
  • In 1981 Mrs.Buddhi Bamunusingha Madam principal of our school was promoted to the post of the Assistant Director of Education.
  • Mrs. A.C. Subhasingha who assumed duties after the temporary departure of Mrs. Bamunusingha served the school a lot.
  • Re arrived of Mrs. Bamunusingha on 1st of may 1987 was a bliss for the students of the school.
  • In 1993 the school was recognized as a National school and 75th Birthday was celebrated with the participation of the late president Hon. R. Premadasa.
  • In 1995 Mrs.Kothalawala was appointed as the principal of the school.
  • In 2000 Mrs.D.R. Darju was appointed as the principal.
  • In 2003 Mrs.U.V. Leelakanthi was appointed as the principal.
  • In 2004 Mrs. B.V.R.C. Bandarawaththa was appointed.
  • In 2007 90th anniversary of the school was celebrated with grandeur and the foundation stone was laid for an indoor stadium.
  • In 2008 the number of students was 4047 and the academic staff was 167 non academic staff was 19.
  • Colours Day and “ Wisdom 2010” educational and Trade exhibition were held in 2010.
  • In 2012 95th school birth day was celebrated.
  • Integrating with the new technology the school web site (www.fhs.lk) was launched in 2012.
  • In 2013 Mrs. M.Galagama was appointed as acting principal and the number of students was 4120 the academic staff was 190 and non academic staff was 23.
  • On 18th of July, 2013 Mrs. M. Galagama assumed her duties as the School Principal